17 March 2009

How'd you do that?

Well hello all!

I'm Erin from I*M*Handmade. A tiny clothing/accessories/everything but the kitchen sink operation run out of my little apartment in Brooklyn. The Story of I*M*Handmade has no clear beginning.

My grandmother, an f*ing awesome quilter, taught me to sew at a very young age and I've been doing it ever since. My first customers (my dolls: Barbie, Jem, GI Joe and Teddy Ruxpin) were always looking so darn classy I thought I would try my hand at making some duds for myself. Being a frequent thirft store shopper by age 14 I had plenty of clothing and fabrics to work with. I started by repurposing old items to make new ones. I learned how the patterns worked and I tried my hand at making clothing from scratch for myself. By the end of high school I had friends and family asking for clothes like mine. By college it was freelance work for friends of friends and then finally I was sewing for complete strangers and I loved it! Finally after hearing people tell me to sell my things so much I got up the guts to try it...and here we are. That's right we.

My partner in all of this, Billy, is also sewing his fingers to the bone in the name of handmade goods. His mother taught him to sew when he was younger and together we're unstoppable...I hope. He moved to New York a few years back from Chicago to work in a museum on the upper east side of Mahattan which is where we met. A couple years after I moved here from The Dirty Jersey we started hanging out outside of work and sharing our ideas. Realizing that we could work together and not tear eachothers faces off we knew we had something.

We participate in lots of events in and around the city from street fairs to indie markets to craft fairs and our designs are being picked up by more and more boutiques all the time. You can check our website for events that we'll be participating in and new designs (http://www.imhandmade.etsy.com/). So come check it out and shop online. Why? Because you don't have to put pants on!

When we aren't sewing we're usually making music, eating ice cream (why is it sooo good?), listening to records, hanging out at our favorite Brooklyn spots or watching mind numbing television ('Ru Paul's Drag Race' anyone? Never have I wanted to be a man impersonating a woman so badly). http://www.logoonline.com/shows/dyn/rupauls_drag_race/videos.jhtml

Thanks for checking out who we are...but we aren't done here. Check back for more!

Erin of I*M*Handmade

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