10 April 2009

This Thing Right Here

Fake Life:

The Hills is back, I'm brainwashed/brain damaged...for reals I can't get enough of these idiots.

Real Housewives of New Jersey...yes please.

Real Life:

I love spring, even when it's 5 cold days of suffering through rain to get 2 beautiful days. For those warm but cold days when the sky looks like it's going to open up at any moment, I like to wear a cape. You can hide your arms inside if it's cold, or throw up the hood when that rain cloud over head starts leaking on you.

This vintage wool jacket is also great for Spring. A hidden pocket to keep all your secret notes is a bonus!

Skirting Issues

These 2 button corduroy skirts are bright and fun, but not too fun to wear to work too. Brass button closure and spring timey bird lining.

Tiered plaid wrap skirt. Look seriously dapper in this lightweight skirt. Perfect with heels and a tee. With a blouse you're ready for business.

Mini skirts are always great. Elastic waist mini has a Miss Shortcake-esque repeating strawberry design. The purple corduroy (with no wales) skirt cinches around the waist like a paper bag. Sounds flattering huh? No really it's comfortable and adjustable.

So are you ready for Spring yet? No? Stoop sales...flea markets...farmer's markets, how about now are you siked? No?! ...outdoor shows...less clothing...waiting for the bus not fearing you might lose a limb to frostbite...there it is.

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